12th LRB Meeting


With the advent of the DIGITAL Europe Programme and the emergence of a European Language Data Space (LDS), the importance of language data and language models has significantly increased. The 12th meeting of the ELRC Language Resource Board is dedicated to paving the way for this new era.

Held in Prague during the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the concluding big event of the ELRC project will be chaired by the European Commission, illustrating the vision, implementation and governance of the upcoming LDS, as well as critically assessing and discussing its opportunities and challenges. In fact, the Language Resource Board will be instrumental in the LDS and beyond, particularly wrt its transformation into the Centre of Excellence for Language Technologies (CELT).

Above this, the ELRC Consortium members will summarise the progress and achievements of the ELRC project, exemplifying the latest findings collected in the new edition of the White Paper “AI for multilingual Europe - Why language data matters”. The latest LT Specifications, including the recently published tools for multilingual fake news processing, quality and readibility estimation, and automatic website translation, will also be presented and evaluated.