

May 30th, 2018


Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, Palisády 29, 811 06 Bratislava

08:30 – 09:00 


09:00 – 09:10

Welcome and introduction

Miroslav Zumrik, ELRC Technology Anchor Point


09:10 – 09:15

Welcome by the EC

Emília Andrejová, Representation of the EC in Slovakia

Session 1. Connecting a multilingual Europe: European context and local needs

09:15 – 09:35

Connecting public services across Europe: ambition and results so far

Aleksandra Wesołowska, Project Officer, Directorate-General Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission (live video link, interpretation in Slovak)


09:35 – 09:55

National initiatives for digital public services and (open) data

Martina Slabejová, Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic


09:55 – 10:40

CEF in Slovakia: an outlook into current and future challenges – Panel session

Moderator: Organizer

• Michal Ohrablo (UPVII)
• Marek Vandák (ANASOFT APR)
• Jakub Začka (Social Insurance Agency)

• Róbert Ondrejkovič (NASES)

10:40 – 11:00

The CEF eTranslation platform @ work

Markus Foti, MT@EC/eTranslation Project Manager, Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission (live video link, interpretation in Slovak)

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

Session 2. Engage: hands-on data

11:30 – 11:55

The European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) action

Stelios Piperidis, ILSP/”Athena” R.C., ELRC


11:55 – 12:15

ELRC in Slovakia

Miroslav Zumrík, ELRC Technology Anchor Point


12:15 – 12:40

Can language data be shared and how? National and European legal framework

Ronald Strehár, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic


12:40 – 13:40

Lunch Break

13:40 – 14:15

Preparing and sharing data with the ELRC repository – and what happens next

Maria Giagkou, ILSP/”Athena” R.C., ELRC


14:15 – 14:45

Identifying and managing your data: Questions & Answers

Miroslav Zumrík, ELRC Technology Anchor Point

14:45 – 15:00


Miroslav Zumrík, ELRC Technology Anchor Point

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee Break