The third European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) workshop in Finland 


15 December 2020


Virtual event (The link will be emailed to registered participants.)


The European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) consortium

Department of Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki

Workshop language: Finnish

Language Technology is shaping our multilingual future. It has already been transforming the way we interact with our devices and with each other, the way we shop, work and travel. More and more it reshapes our interaction with service providers, either public or private. Programs that automatically correct spelling errors and aid sophisticated writing, digital assistants that transform our voices to text messages on mobile phones, bots that answer our calls to the bank or to our social security organisation, systems that automatically translate from a foreign language, and much more, are already empowering our everyday lives, our businesses and our administrations. But can we fully use our own language in our digital interactions? Is our language adequately supported and ready to keep pace with the technological advancements of the AI era?

The third Finnish European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) workshop will address these questions and it will seek to engage participants in a fruitful discussion on the status and prospects of Language Technology for Finnish. Developers, integrators and users of Language Technology, both from the private and public sector will share experiences, requirements and ways for transforming digital interaction in our multilingual Europe with Language Technologies. Finally, we will discuss how language data, i.e. texts and speech, can fuel development in Artificial Intelligence.

The ELRC workshop is a free event, but registration is required.

Please register here.


Workshop programme

09:30 – 09:40

Welcome and introduction (presentation) (video)

Krister Lindén, University of Helsinki / FIN-CLARIN

09:40 – 10:00

The potential of Language Technology and AI – where we are, where we should be heading (presentation) (video)

Jörg Tiedemann, University of Helsinki

10:00 – 10:30


Language Technologies for the Languages of Finland - Panel session (presentation) (video)

Filip Ginter, University of Turku (Moderator)

Sebastian Andersson, Lingsoft

Jörg Tiedemann, University of Helsinki

Sampo Pyysalo, University of Turku

Pasi Tapanainen, Etuma

Kaarina Hyvönen, Kielikone

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 11:15


The CEF AT Platform (presentation) (video)

Vilmantas Liubinas, European Commission

11:15 – 11:45


Language technologies by/for the public sector - Panel session (presentation) (video)

Jouko Salonen, Finnish Immigration Service (Moderator)

Osma Suominen, National Library of Finland

Ville Viitasaari, Kela

Kaisamari Kuhmonen, Prime Minister’s Office

11:45 – 12:15


Language data creation, management and sharing: existing practices and challenges - Panel session (video)

Aleksi Rossi, YLE (Moderator)

Krister Lindén, University of Helsinki / FIN-CLARIN

Mikko Kurimo, Aalto University

Tommi Kurki, University of Turku

12:15 – 12:30


The EU Council Presidency Translator – Finnish presidency success story and what’s beyond (presentation) (video)

Pekka Myllylä, Managing Director at Tilde Eesti OÜ

12:30 – 12:40


Conclusions (presentation) (video)

Krister Lindén, University of Helsinki / FIN-CLARIN

12:40 – 14:00


14:00 – 16:30

European Language Grid (ELG): Introduction and overview.

4th Regional European Language Grid (ELG) Workshop in Finland

The ELG workshop is organized in collaboration with the European Language Grid (ELG) and it will take place in the same online meeting room as the ELRC workshop. Welcome to participate in both events! Please note that the ELG workshop will be held in English only.

The detailed program for the ELG workshop, including information about registration is available at