Workshop agenda


8. October 2018

Where: Dansk Sprognævn, Worsaaesvej 19, 4. Sal, 1972 Frederiksberg C
  • The European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) consortium

  • Dansk Sprognævn

9.30 - 10.00

Registration and coffee

10.00 - 10.20


Sabine Kirchmeier, Director, Danish Language Council, &
Jens Johansen, European Comission, Representation in Denmark


10.20 - 10.40

Digital public services across borders - results and ambitions

Representative for DG-connect,videopresentation

10.40 - 11.10

Digital public services in Denmark and the need for open data

Jens Krieger Røyen, Head of section, Agency for Digitisation, Denmark


11.10 - 11.40

Digital public EU-services in Denmark, presentation round

Officials who work with European digital infrastructure in Denmark, e.g. the Dispute Resolution Portal


11.40 - 12.10

How does CEF eTranslation work?

Claus Larsen, Language Technology Coordinator,  European Commission
Directorate-General for Translation


12.10 - 13.10


13.10 - 13.40

Overview of the European Language Resource Coordination action

Andrejs Vasiļjevs, ELRC representative for Nordic and Baltic region, Tilde


13.40 - 14.00

Development of language technology in Denmark - the role of public institutions

Sabine Kirchmeier, Danish Language Council


14.00 - 14.30

Collection of language resources in Denmark for ELRC - difficulties and possibilities

Bolette Sandford Petersen, Professor, Center for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen   Presentation
Lina Henriksen, Senior Consultant, Center for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen

14.30 - 15.00

Discussion and conclusion

Sabine Kirchmeier, Danish Language Council